How to make a responsive website tutorial for the designers.
Today i am going to give some hints and resources for making responsive websites for designers and developers. Bootstrap is the CSS framework which will help you perfectly to make your website responsive. As responsive means the site to be fitted in any screen while they are surfed.
what is bootstrap?
Bootstrap is the CSS framework developed by twitter developer team. That is used for twitter website.
What can be done from Bootstrap?
Using the bootstrap you can easily and fastly develop responsive websites, easy and fast menu, table grid, latest, nice and sleek menus and lots on what you need to do in website in the designer angle.
where can we download the Bootstrap?
The main source for download the Bootstrap is from GITHUB website which is the online webbased application sharing place. the website link is
what are the best resources for learning twitter bootstrap?
Being frank the documentation provided in the bootstrap link on github have the best explanation where you can learn in details
the getting started in twitter bootstrap is
beside this the best place to learn twitter bootstrap is from where you can see the examples and resources fully.
I guess this will be the good start of twitter bootstrap. Please do not forget to comment.
Odesk SEO Test, Question and Answers
1. If a website’s search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%, what does it mean?
a. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engine
b. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine
c. 20% of the websites pages will never be indexed
d. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its most important search terms
2. 10 people do a web search. In response, they see links to a variety of web pages. Three of the 10 people choose one particular link. That link then has a __________ clickthrough rate.
a. less than 30%
b. 30 percent
c. more than 30%
3. Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google PageRank?
a. The total number of inbound links to a page of a web site
b. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site
c. The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web site
d. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a web site
4. What does the 301 server response code signify?
a. Not Modified
b. Moved Permanently
c. syntax error in the request
d. Payment is required
e. The request must be authorized before it can take place
5. If you enter ‘Help’ in the Google search box, what will Google search for?
a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to
b. It will find pages about help within
c. It will only find page titles about help within
d. It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of
6. What is Anchor Text?
a. It is the main body of text on a particular web page
b. It is the text within the left or top panel of a web page
c. It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page
d. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page
7. Which of the following free tools/websites could help you identify which city in the world has the largest search for the keyword – “six sigma”?
a. Yahoo Search Term Suggestion Tool
b. Alexa
c. Google Traffic Estimator
d. Google Trends
e. WordTracker
8. What term is commonly used to describe the shuffling of positions in search engine results in between major updates?
a. Waves
b. Flux
c. Shuffling
d. Swaying
9. Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google’s search results?
a. Yes
b. No
10. Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?
a. If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that you only allow the indexing of the better version
b. Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views the page/s. Examples of inconsistent linking could be and and
c. Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate
d. Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate content by Google
11. What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to?
a. It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywords leads to the best return on investment
b. It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword density
c. It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage are given priority by the search engines
d. It refers to the fact that the keywords in bold font are given priority by the search engines
12. What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of reputability/validity?
a. Red hat techniques
b. Silver hat techniques
c. Grey hat techniques
d. Shady hat techniques
13. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to natural links?
a. They are two way links (reciprocal links)
b. They are from authority websites
c. They are voluntary in nature
d. They are from .edu or .gov extension websites
14. Which of the following can be termed as good keyword selection and placement strategies?
a. Targeting synonyms of the main keyword
b. Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c. Copying competitor keywords
d. Optimizing five or more keywords per page
15. What does the 302 server response code signify?
a. It signifies conflict, too many people wanted the same file at the same time
b. The page has been permanently removed
c. The method you are using to access the file is not allowed
d. The page has temporarily moved
e. What you requested is just too big to process
16. Which of the following statements about FFA pages are true?
a. They are greatly beneficial to SEO
b. They are also called link farms
c. They are paid listings
d. They contain numerous inbound links
17. What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word ‘actor’ will also show search results for related words such as actress, acting or act?
a. Spreading
b. Dilating
c. RSD (realtime synonym detection)
d. Stemming
e. Branching
18. What will the following robots.txt file do?
a. It will allow Google to crawl any of the dynamically generated pages. It will also allow the altavista scooter bot to access every page
b. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages. It will also disallow the altavista scooter bot from accessing any page
c. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages. It will allow the altavista scooter bot to access every page
d. None of the above
19. Which of the following statements about RSS are correct?
a. It is a form of XML
b. It stands for Realtime streamlined syndication
c. It is a good way of displaying static information
d. It is a microsoft technology
20. Which of the following statements are correct with regard to using javascript within the web pages?
a. It uses up the valuable space within the webpage, which should be used for placing meaningful text for the search engines
b. Search engines cannot read Javascript
c. It is a good idea to shift the Javascript into a separate file
d. Most of the search engines are unable to read links within Javascript code
21. Which of the following options are correct regarding the Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) of a particular keyword?
a. It is directly proportional to the popularity of the keyword
b. It is inversely proportional to the competiton for the keyword
c. It is directly proportional to the chances of the keyword ranking on the first page of the Google search results
22. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?
a. Trafficjacking
b. Visitorjacking
c. Viewjacking
d. Pagejacking
23. Which of the following search engines offers a popular list of the top 50 most searched keywords?
a. Google
b. Yahoo
c. AOL
d. Lycos
24. Which of the following search engines or directories provides the main search results for AOL?
a. Lycos
c. Google
d. Yahoo
e. Windows Live
25. Which of the following can be termed as appropriate Keyword Density?
a. 0.01-0.1%
b. 0.1-1%
c. 3-4%
d. 7-10%
e. More than 10%
26. The following robots meta tag directs the search engine bots:
a. Not to index the homepage and not to follow the links in the page
b. Not to index the page and not to follow the links in the page
c. To index the page and not to follow the links in the page
d. Not to index the page but to follow the links in the page
27. What is Keyword Density?
a. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on page – (MINUS)the total words in HTML on the page
b. The number of times the keyword is used X (MULTIPLIED BY) the total word count on page
c. The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d. The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on the page
28. Which of the following are examples of agents?
a. Internet Explorer
b. Search engine spiders
c. Opera
d. SQL Server database attached to a website
29. If you search for the term “iq test” in the Word Tracker keyword suggestion tool, will it return the number of independent searches for the term “iq”?
a. Yes
b. No
30. Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve?
a. Increasing the keyword density on the web pages
b. Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines
c. Hiding the keywords within the webpage
d. Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors
31. Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct?
a. Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor traffic
b. Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomes
c. Alexa is biased towards US based traffic
d. Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quantcast toolbar
This is the last question of your test.
32. Google gives priority to themed in-bound links.
a. True
b. False
33. Which of the following methods can help you get around the Google Sandbox?
a. Buying an old Website and getting it ranked
b. Buying a Google Adwords PPC campaign
c. Placing the website on a sub domain of a ranked website and then 301 re-directing the site after it has been indexed
d. Getting a DMOZ listing
34. A Hallway Page is used to:
a. Attract visitors from the search engines straight onto the Hallway Page
b. Organizes the Doorway Pages
c. Helps people navigate to different Doorway Pages
d. Enables search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages
35. Which of the following options describes the correct meaning of MouseTrapping?
a. The technique of monitoring the movement of the mouse on the webpage
b. The technique of monitoring the area on which an advertisement was clicked
c. The web browser trick, which attempts to redirect visitors away from major websites through a spyware program
d. The web browser trick, which attempts to keep a visitor captive at on a website
36. What is the most likely time period required for getting a Google page rank?
a. 1 week
b. 3 weeks
c. 2 months
d. More than 3 months
37. All major search engines are case sensitive.
a. True
b. False
38. Which of the following website design guidelines have been recommended by Google?
a. Having a clear hierarchy and text links
b. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link
c. If the site map is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the site map into separate pages
d. Keeping the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)
e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page
39. How are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?
a. Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through a website, hence ensuring quicker placement
b. Google gives credit to the websites having site maps. The GoogleBot looks for the keyword or title “Site Map” on the home page of a website.
c. Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website
d. None of the above
40. Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells links, what action/s does Google recommend to avoid being penalized?
a. The text of the paid links should state the words “paid text link” for Google to identify it as a paid link
b. Only Paid text links to non profit websites should be accepted
c. Paid links should be disclosed through the “rel=nofollow” attribute in the hyperlink
d. Paid links should be disclosed through the “index=nofollow” attribute in the hyperlink
Odesk PHP 5 Test
Odesk Test Questions and anssers.
Are you attempting to pass Odesk test on PHP5? Here i have collected and posted the solution of the Odesk test, I guess this will definately help you get the good things there.
Question (many answers): What is true regarding $a + $b where both of them are arrays?
a. Duplicated keys are NOT overwritten
b. $b is appended to $a
c. The + operator is overloaded
d. This produces a syntax error
Question: You have two strings, which you want to concatenate.
$str1 = ‘Have a ‘;
$str2 = ‘Nice Day’;
The fastest way would be:
a. $str1.Concat($str2);
b. $str1.$str2;
c. “$str1$str2”;
d. None of the above
Question: Which of the following pair have non-associative equal precedence?
a. +,-
b. ==,!=
C. «,»
d. &=,|=
Question:Which of the following variables is not related to file uploads?
a. max_file_size
b. max_execution_time
c. post_max_size
d. max_input_time
Question: You have a 2D array in PHP:
$array = array(array(141,151,161), 2,3, array(101, 202, 303));
You want to display all the values in the array The correct way is:
function DisplayArray($array) {
foreach ($array as $value) {
if (array_valid($value)) {
} else {
echo $value. “
function DisplayArray($array) {
for ($array as $value) {
if (valid_array($value)) {
} else {
echo $value. “
function DisplayArray($array) {
for ($array as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
} else {
echo $value. “<br>”;
function DisplayArray($array) {
foreach ($array as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
} else {
echo $value “<br>”;
Right answer: d.
Question: Multiple select/load is possible with:
a. Checkbox
b. Select
c. File
d. All of the above
Question: The following php variables are declared:
$company = ‘ABS Ltd’;
$$company =‘, Sydney’;
Which of the following is not a correct way of printing ‘ABS Ltd. Sydney’?
a. echo “$company $$company”;
b. echo “$company ${$company}”;
c. echo “$company ${‘ABS Ltd‘}“;
d. echo “$company {$$company}”;
Question (many answers)
We have two variable definitions:
1. 023
2. x23
Choose the correct options:
a. 1 is octal
b. 2 is hexadecimal
c. 2 is octal
d. 1 is hexadecimal
Question: Which of the following is a predefined constant?
d. _FILE_
Question (many answers): Which of the following variable names are invalid?
a. $var_1
b. $var1
c. $var-1
d. $var/1
e. $vl
Question (many answers): Which of the following are not considered as boolean False?
b. 0
c. “0”
d. “FALSE”
e. 1
Question: Which of the following regular expressions can be used to check the validity of an e-mail addresss?
a. ^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[“@ ]+$
b. ^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+[^@ ]+$
c. $[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\[^@ ]+^
d. $[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+[^@ ]+^
Question: Which of the following type cast is not correct?
$varbl= (real) $fig;
$varb2 = (double) $flg;
$varb3 = (decimal) $flg;
$varb4 = (bool) $fig;
a. real
b. double
c. decimal
d. boolean
Question: Which of the following statements is not true with regard to abstract classes in php5?
a. Abstract classes are introduced in PHP5
b. A class with a single abstract method must be declared abstract
c. Abstract class can contain non abstract methods
d. Abstract method must have method definition and can have optional empty braces following it
Question: What do you infer from the following code?
$str = ‘Dear Customer,\nThanks for your query. We will reply very soon\n Regards,\n Customer Service Agent’;
print $str;
a. Only first \n character will be recognised and new line will be inserted
b. Last \n will not be recognised and only first two parts will come in new lines
c. All the \n will work and text will be printed on respective new lines.
d. All will be printed on one line irrespective of the \n.
Question: Which of the following characters are taken care of by htmlspecialchars?
a. <
b. >
c. single quote
d. double quote
e. &
f. All of the above
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
$a = 10;
if($a > 5 OR < 15)
echo “true”;
echo “false”
a. true
b. false
c. No output
d. Parse Error
Question: If expire parameter of setCookie function is not specified then:
a. Cookie will never expire
b. Cookie will expire with closure of the browser
c. Cookie will expire with within 30 minutes
d. Cookie will expire in 24 hours
Question: You need to check the size of a file in PHP function.
Which function will suitably replace ‘X’ ?
a. filesize
b. size
c. sizeofFile
d. getSize
Question: Which of the following text manipulation functions is supported by PHP?
a. strtoupper()
b. ucfirst()
c. strtolower()
d. str_split()
e. All of the above
Question: Which of the following is a correct declaration?
a. static $varb = array(1 ,‘var, 3);
b. static $varb = 1+(2*9O);
c. static $varb = sqrt(81);
d. static $varb = new Object;
Question: You wrote following script to check for the right category:
12 $cate=5
3 …
4 …
6 if ($cate==5)
7 {
8 ?>
9 Correct category!
10 11 } else {
12 ?>
13 Incorrect category!
14 15 }
16 ?>
What will be the output of the program if value of’cate’ remains 5?
a. Correct category!
b. Incorrect category!
c. Error due to use of invalid operator in line 6:”if ($cate=5)»
d. Error due to incorrect syntax at line 8, 10, 12 and 14
Question: If visibility is not defined for a method/member then it is treated as public static.
a. True
b. False
Question (many answers): Which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to interfaces?
a. A class can implement multiple interfaces
b. An abstract class cannot implement multiple interlaces
c. An interlace can extend multiple interfaces
d. Methods with same name, arguments, and sequence can exist in the different interlaces implemented by a class
Question: Which of the following is a Ternary Operator?
a. &
b. =
c. : ?
d. ? :
e. +=
f. &&
Question: Which of the following are the valid PHP data types?
a. resource
b. null
c. boolean
d. string
e. Both a and c
f. Both c and d
g. All of the above
Question: You are using sessions and session_register() to register objects. These objects are serialized automatically at the end of each PHP page and are de-serialized automatically on each of the following pages Is this true or false?
a. True
b. False
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
$Rent = 250;
function Expenses($Other) {
$Rent = 250 + $Other;
return $Rent;
echo $Rent;
a. 300
b. 250
c. 200
d. Program will not compile
Question: What will be the result of the following expression:
6+4 * 9-3
a. 60
b. 87
c. 39
d. 30
Question: Does php 5 support exceptions?
a. Yes
b. No
Question (many answers): Which of the following printing construct/function accepts multiple parameters?
a. echo
b. print
c. printf
d. Allof the above
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
$var = 10;
function fn() {
return $var;
echo $var;
a. 10
b. 20
c. Undefined Variable
d. Syntax Error
Question: Which of the following is not true regarding XForms?
a. PHP provides support for XForm
b. It can be used on PDF documents
c. The data is sent in XML format
d. The action and method parameters are defined in the body
Question: How would you start a session?
a. session(start);
b. session();
c. session_start();
d. begin_sesion();
Question: How would you store order number (34) in an OrderCookie’?
a. setcookie(«OrderCookie”, 34);
b. makeCookie(”OrderCookie”, 34);
c. Cookie(«OrderCookie”, 34);
d. OrderCookie(34);
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
function fn(&$var) {
$var = $var - ($var/l0*5);
return $var;
echo fn(100);
b. 50
c. 98
d. Error message
e. None of the above
Question: What will be the result of following operation?
print 4 << 5;
a. 3
b. 128
c. 120
d. 6
Question: Which of the following is not supported in PHP5?
a. Type Hinting
b. Reflection
c. Magic Methods
d. Muftiple Inheritance
e. Object Cloning
Question: Which of the following is not a valid PHP parser tag?
a. script
b. ?p
c. %
d. ?php
Question: What will be the output of following code?
echo “Value of a =$a”;
a. Value of a=10
b. Value of a=$a
c. Undefined
d. Syntax Error
Question: You need to keep an eye on the existing number of objects of a given class without introducing a non-class member variable.Which of the following makes this happen?
a. Add a member variable that gets incremented in the default constructor and decremented in the destructor
b. Add a local variable that gets incremented in each constructor and decremented in the destructor
c. Add a static member variable that gets incremented in each constructor and decremented in the destructor
d. This cannot be accomplished since the creation of objects is being done dynamically via “new”
Question: Which of the following multithreaded servers allow PHP as a plug-in?
a. Netscape FastTrack
b. Microsoft’s Internet Information Server
c. O’Reilly’s WebSite Pro
d. Allof the above
Question: Which of the following is used to maintain the value of a variable over different pages?
a. static
b. global
c. session_register()
d. Noneoftheabove
Question: Which of the following variable declarations within a class is invalid in PHP5?
a. private $type = ‘moderate’;
b. internal $term = 3;
c. public $amnt = ‘500’;
d. protected $name = ‘Quantas Private Limited’;
Question: Consider the following two statements:
1 while (expr) statement
2 while (expr): statement endwhile;
Which of the following are true in context of the given statements?
a. 1 is correct and 2 is wrong
b. 1 is wrong and 2 is correct
c. Both 1 & 2 are wrong
d. Both 1 & 2 are correct
Question: You have defined three variables $to, $subject, and $body to send an email. Which of the following methods would you use for sending an email?
a. mail($to,$subject,$body)
b. sendmail($to,$subject,$body)
c. mail(to,subject,body)
d. sendmail(to,subject,body)
Question: What is the output of the following code?
function vec_add (&Sa, Sb) {
$a[X] += $b[’x’];
$a[y] += $b[’y’];
$a[Z] += $b['Z'];
$a = array (x => 3, y => 2, z => 5);
$b = array (x => 9, y => 3, z => -7);
vec_add (&$a, $b);
print_r ($a);
a. Array
[X] => 9
[y] => 3
[Z] => -7
b. Array
[x] => 3
[y] => 2
[z] => 5
c. Array
[xJ =>12
[yJ => 5
[z] => -2
d. Error
e. None of the above
Question: In your PHP application you need to open a file. You want the application to issue a warning and continue execution, in case the file is not found The ideal function to be used is:
a. include()
b. require()
c. nowarn()
d. getFile(false)
Question (many answers); Which of the the following are PHP file upload related functions?
a. upload_file()
b. is_uploaded_file()
c. move_uploaded_file()
d. Noneoftheabove
Question: Which of the following attribute is needed for file upload via form?
a. enctype=”multipart/formdata”
b. enctype=”singlepart/data’
c. enctype=»file”
d. enctype=»form-data/file”
Question: Variable/functions in PHP don’t work directly with:
a. echo()
b. isset()
c. print()
d. All of the above
Question: Which of the following is a PHP resource?
a. Domxml document
b. Odbc link
c. File
d. Allot the above
Question: The inbuilt function to get the number of parameters passed is:
a. arg_num()
b. func_args_count()
c. func_num_args()
d. None of the above
Question: For the following code:
function Expenses() {
function Salary() {
function Loan() {
function Balance() {
Which of the following sequence will run successfully?
a. Expenses();Salary();Loan; Balance();
b. Salary();Expenses();Loan(); Balance();
c. Expenses();Salary();Balance();Loan();
d. Balance();Loan();Salary(); Expenses();
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
echo 30 * 5.7
a. 150.7
b. 1507
c. 171
d. you can’t concatenate integers
e. error will occur
Question: Which of the following is correct with regard to echo and print?
a. echo is a construct and print is a function
b. echo is a function and print is a construct
c. Both are functions
d. Both are constructs
Question: Which of the following is not a file related function in PHP?
a. fclose
b. fopen
c. fwrite
d. fgets
e. fappend
Question: Which of the following variables are supported by ‘str_replace’ function?
a. Integer
b. String
c. Boolean
d. Array
Question: Which of the following are useful for method overloading?
a. _call,_get,_set
b. _get,_set,_load
c. _get,_set,_isset
d. _overload
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
var_dump (3*4);
a. int(3*4)
b. int(12)
c. 3*4
d. 12
e. None of the above
Question: You need to count the number of parameters given in the URL by a POST operation. The correct way is:
a. count($POST_VARS);
b. count($POST_VARS_PARAM);
c. count($_POST);
d. count($HTTP_POST_PARAM);
Question: Consider the following class:
1 class Insurance
2 {
3 function clsName()
4 {
5 echo get_class($this);
6 }
7 }
8 $cl = new Insurance();
9 Scl->clsName();
10 lnsurance::clsName();
Which of the following Lines should be commented to print the class name without errors?
a. Line 8 and 9
b. Line 10
c. Line 9 and 10
d. All the three lines 8,9, and 10 should be left as it is.
Question: Which of the following statement is not correct for PHP?
a. it is a server side scripting language
b. A php file may contain text, html tags or scripts
c. it can run on windows and Linux systems only
d. it is compatible with most of the common servers used today
Question: Which of the following functions output text?
a. echo()
b. print()
c. println()
d. display()
Question: Which of the following crypto ¡n PHP returns longest hash value?
a. md5()
b. shalo
c. crc32()
d. All return same length hash
Question: The value of a local variable of a function has to be retained over multiple calls to that function. How should that variable be declared?
a. local
b. global
c. static
d. None of the above
Question: Does PHP provide the goto keyword in latest version?
a. Yes
b. No
Are you attempting to pass Odesk test on PHP5? Here i have collected and posted the solution of the Odesk test, I guess this will definately help you get the good things there.
Question (many answers): What is true regarding $a + $b where both of them are arrays?
a. Duplicated keys are NOT overwritten
b. $b is appended to $a
c. The + operator is overloaded
d. This produces a syntax error
Question: You have two strings, which you want to concatenate.
$str1 = ‘Have a ‘;
$str2 = ‘Nice Day’;
The fastest way would be:
a. $str1.Concat($str2);
b. $str1.$str2;
c. “$str1$str2”;
d. None of the above
Question: Which of the following pair have non-associative equal precedence?
a. +,-
b. ==,!=
C. «,»
d. &=,|=
Question:Which of the following variables is not related to file uploads?
a. max_file_size
b. max_execution_time
c. post_max_size
d. max_input_time
Question: You have a 2D array in PHP:
$array = array(array(141,151,161), 2,3, array(101, 202, 303));
You want to display all the values in the array The correct way is:
function DisplayArray($array) {
foreach ($array as $value) {
if (array_valid($value)) {
} else {
echo $value. “
function DisplayArray($array) {
for ($array as $value) {
if (valid_array($value)) {
} else {
echo $value. “
function DisplayArray($array) {
for ($array as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
} else {
echo $value. “<br>”;
function DisplayArray($array) {
foreach ($array as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
} else {
echo $value “<br>”;
Right answer: d.
Question: Multiple select/load is possible with:
a. Checkbox
b. Select
c. File
d. All of the above
Question: The following php variables are declared:
$company = ‘ABS Ltd’;
$$company =‘, Sydney’;
Which of the following is not a correct way of printing ‘ABS Ltd. Sydney’?
a. echo “$company $$company”;
b. echo “$company ${$company}”;
c. echo “$company ${‘ABS Ltd‘}“;
d. echo “$company {$$company}”;
Question (many answers)
We have two variable definitions:
1. 023
2. x23
Choose the correct options:
a. 1 is octal
b. 2 is hexadecimal
c. 2 is octal
d. 1 is hexadecimal
Question: Which of the following is a predefined constant?
d. _FILE_
Question (many answers): Which of the following variable names are invalid?
a. $var_1
b. $var1
c. $var-1
d. $var/1
e. $vl
Question (many answers): Which of the following are not considered as boolean False?
b. 0
c. “0”
d. “FALSE”
e. 1
Question: Which of the following regular expressions can be used to check the validity of an e-mail addresss?
a. ^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[“@ ]+$
b. ^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+[^@ ]+$
c. $[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\[^@ ]+^
d. $[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+[^@ ]+^
Question: Which of the following type cast is not correct?
$varbl= (real) $fig;
$varb2 = (double) $flg;
$varb3 = (decimal) $flg;
$varb4 = (bool) $fig;
a. real
b. double
c. decimal
d. boolean
Question: Which of the following statements is not true with regard to abstract classes in php5?
a. Abstract classes are introduced in PHP5
b. A class with a single abstract method must be declared abstract
c. Abstract class can contain non abstract methods
d. Abstract method must have method definition and can have optional empty braces following it
Question: What do you infer from the following code?
$str = ‘Dear Customer,\nThanks for your query. We will reply very soon\n Regards,\n Customer Service Agent’;
print $str;
a. Only first \n character will be recognised and new line will be inserted
b. Last \n will not be recognised and only first two parts will come in new lines
c. All the \n will work and text will be printed on respective new lines.
d. All will be printed on one line irrespective of the \n.
Question: Which of the following characters are taken care of by htmlspecialchars?
a. <
b. >
c. single quote
d. double quote
e. &
f. All of the above
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
$a = 10;
if($a > 5 OR < 15)
echo “true”;
echo “false”
a. true
b. false
c. No output
d. Parse Error
Question: If expire parameter of setCookie function is not specified then:
a. Cookie will never expire
b. Cookie will expire with closure of the browser
c. Cookie will expire with within 30 minutes
d. Cookie will expire in 24 hours
Question: You need to check the size of a file in PHP function.
Which function will suitably replace ‘X’ ?
a. filesize
b. size
c. sizeofFile
d. getSize
Question: Which of the following text manipulation functions is supported by PHP?
a. strtoupper()
b. ucfirst()
c. strtolower()
d. str_split()
e. All of the above
Question: Which of the following is a correct declaration?
a. static $varb = array(1 ,‘var, 3);
b. static $varb = 1+(2*9O);
c. static $varb = sqrt(81);
d. static $varb = new Object;
Question: You wrote following script to check for the right category:
12 $cate=5
3 …
4 …
6 if ($cate==5)
7 {
8 ?>
9 Correct category!
10 11 } else {
12 ?>
13 Incorrect category!
14 15 }
16 ?>
What will be the output of the program if value of’cate’ remains 5?
a. Correct category!
b. Incorrect category!
c. Error due to use of invalid operator in line 6:”if ($cate=5)»
d. Error due to incorrect syntax at line 8, 10, 12 and 14
Question: If visibility is not defined for a method/member then it is treated as public static.
a. True
b. False
Question (many answers): Which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to interfaces?
a. A class can implement multiple interfaces
b. An abstract class cannot implement multiple interlaces
c. An interlace can extend multiple interfaces
d. Methods with same name, arguments, and sequence can exist in the different interlaces implemented by a class
Question: Which of the following is a Ternary Operator?
a. &
b. =
c. : ?
d. ? :
e. +=
f. &&
Question: Which of the following are the valid PHP data types?
a. resource
b. null
c. boolean
d. string
e. Both a and c
f. Both c and d
g. All of the above
Question: You are using sessions and session_register() to register objects. These objects are serialized automatically at the end of each PHP page and are de-serialized automatically on each of the following pages Is this true or false?
a. True
b. False
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
$Rent = 250;
function Expenses($Other) {
$Rent = 250 + $Other;
return $Rent;
echo $Rent;
a. 300
b. 250
c. 200
d. Program will not compile
Question: What will be the result of the following expression:
6+4 * 9-3
a. 60
b. 87
c. 39
d. 30
Question: Does php 5 support exceptions?
a. Yes
b. No
Question (many answers): Which of the following printing construct/function accepts multiple parameters?
a. echo
b. print
c. printf
d. Allof the above
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
$var = 10;
function fn() {
return $var;
echo $var;
a. 10
b. 20
c. Undefined Variable
d. Syntax Error
Question: Which of the following is not true regarding XForms?
a. PHP provides support for XForm
b. It can be used on PDF documents
c. The data is sent in XML format
d. The action and method parameters are defined in the body
Question: How would you start a session?
a. session(start);
b. session();
c. session_start();
d. begin_sesion();
Question: How would you store order number (34) in an OrderCookie’?
a. setcookie(«OrderCookie”, 34);
b. makeCookie(”OrderCookie”, 34);
c. Cookie(«OrderCookie”, 34);
d. OrderCookie(34);
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
function fn(&$var) {
$var = $var - ($var/l0*5);
return $var;
echo fn(100);
b. 50
c. 98
d. Error message
e. None of the above
Question: What will be the result of following operation?
print 4 << 5;
a. 3
b. 128
c. 120
d. 6
Question: Which of the following is not supported in PHP5?
a. Type Hinting
b. Reflection
c. Magic Methods
d. Muftiple Inheritance
e. Object Cloning
Question: Which of the following is not a valid PHP parser tag?
a. script
b. ?p
c. %
d. ?php
Question: What will be the output of following code?
echo “Value of a =$a”;
a. Value of a=10
b. Value of a=$a
c. Undefined
d. Syntax Error
Question: You need to keep an eye on the existing number of objects of a given class without introducing a non-class member variable.Which of the following makes this happen?
a. Add a member variable that gets incremented in the default constructor and decremented in the destructor
b. Add a local variable that gets incremented in each constructor and decremented in the destructor
c. Add a static member variable that gets incremented in each constructor and decremented in the destructor
d. This cannot be accomplished since the creation of objects is being done dynamically via “new”
Question: Which of the following multithreaded servers allow PHP as a plug-in?
a. Netscape FastTrack
b. Microsoft’s Internet Information Server
c. O’Reilly’s WebSite Pro
d. Allof the above
Question: Which of the following is used to maintain the value of a variable over different pages?
a. static
b. global
c. session_register()
d. Noneoftheabove
Question: Which of the following variable declarations within a class is invalid in PHP5?
a. private $type = ‘moderate’;
b. internal $term = 3;
c. public $amnt = ‘500’;
d. protected $name = ‘Quantas Private Limited’;
Question: Consider the following two statements:
1 while (expr) statement
2 while (expr): statement endwhile;
Which of the following are true in context of the given statements?
a. 1 is correct and 2 is wrong
b. 1 is wrong and 2 is correct
c. Both 1 & 2 are wrong
d. Both 1 & 2 are correct
Question: You have defined three variables $to, $subject, and $body to send an email. Which of the following methods would you use for sending an email?
a. mail($to,$subject,$body)
b. sendmail($to,$subject,$body)
c. mail(to,subject,body)
d. sendmail(to,subject,body)
Question: What is the output of the following code?
function vec_add (&Sa, Sb) {
$a[X] += $b[’x’];
$a[y] += $b[’y’];
$a[Z] += $b['Z'];
$a = array (x => 3, y => 2, z => 5);
$b = array (x => 9, y => 3, z => -7);
vec_add (&$a, $b);
print_r ($a);
a. Array
[X] => 9
[y] => 3
[Z] => -7
b. Array
[x] => 3
[y] => 2
[z] => 5
c. Array
[xJ =>12
[yJ => 5
[z] => -2
d. Error
e. None of the above
Question: In your PHP application you need to open a file. You want the application to issue a warning and continue execution, in case the file is not found The ideal function to be used is:
a. include()
b. require()
c. nowarn()
d. getFile(false)
Question (many answers); Which of the the following are PHP file upload related functions?
a. upload_file()
b. is_uploaded_file()
c. move_uploaded_file()
d. Noneoftheabove
Question: Which of the following attribute is needed for file upload via form?
a. enctype=”multipart/formdata”
b. enctype=”singlepart/data’
c. enctype=»file”
d. enctype=»form-data/file”
Question: Variable/functions in PHP don’t work directly with:
a. echo()
b. isset()
c. print()
d. All of the above
Question: Which of the following is a PHP resource?
a. Domxml document
b. Odbc link
c. File
d. Allot the above
Question: The inbuilt function to get the number of parameters passed is:
a. arg_num()
b. func_args_count()
c. func_num_args()
d. None of the above
Question: For the following code:
function Expenses() {
function Salary() {
function Loan() {
function Balance() {
Which of the following sequence will run successfully?
a. Expenses();Salary();Loan; Balance();
b. Salary();Expenses();Loan(); Balance();
c. Expenses();Salary();Balance();Loan();
d. Balance();Loan();Salary(); Expenses();
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
echo 30 * 5.7
a. 150.7
b. 1507
c. 171
d. you can’t concatenate integers
e. error will occur
Question: Which of the following is correct with regard to echo and print?
a. echo is a construct and print is a function
b. echo is a function and print is a construct
c. Both are functions
d. Both are constructs
Question: Which of the following is not a file related function in PHP?
a. fclose
b. fopen
c. fwrite
d. fgets
e. fappend
Question: Which of the following variables are supported by ‘str_replace’ function?
a. Integer
b. String
c. Boolean
d. Array
Question: Which of the following are useful for method overloading?
a. _call,_get,_set
b. _get,_set,_load
c. _get,_set,_isset
d. _overload
Question: What will be the output of the following code?
var_dump (3*4);
a. int(3*4)
b. int(12)
c. 3*4
d. 12
e. None of the above
Question: You need to count the number of parameters given in the URL by a POST operation. The correct way is:
a. count($POST_VARS);
b. count($POST_VARS_PARAM);
c. count($_POST);
d. count($HTTP_POST_PARAM);
Question: Consider the following class:
1 class Insurance
2 {
3 function clsName()
4 {
5 echo get_class($this);
6 }
7 }
8 $cl = new Insurance();
9 Scl->clsName();
10 lnsurance::clsName();
Which of the following Lines should be commented to print the class name without errors?
a. Line 8 and 9
b. Line 10
c. Line 9 and 10
d. All the three lines 8,9, and 10 should be left as it is.
Question: Which of the following statement is not correct for PHP?
a. it is a server side scripting language
b. A php file may contain text, html tags or scripts
c. it can run on windows and Linux systems only
d. it is compatible with most of the common servers used today
Question: Which of the following functions output text?
a. echo()
b. print()
c. println()
d. display()
Question: Which of the following crypto ¡n PHP returns longest hash value?
a. md5()
b. shalo
c. crc32()
d. All return same length hash
Question: The value of a local variable of a function has to be retained over multiple calls to that function. How should that variable be declared?
a. local
b. global
c. static
d. None of the above
Question: Does PHP provide the goto keyword in latest version?
a. Yes
b. No
Free Hosting
There are ample of free hosting when you search free hosting no ads, I have also tried a amples of time, you can get hundreds of websites who are offering those but they have condition and others useless rules you need to follow,
like limited resources flow,
1. Limited CPU Usage: this is what makes you cannot even upload a couples of files as well. The same thing happens with lots of hosting where you wont be able to upload WordPress as well.
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3. Restriction on database: most of them wont provide database, and the some of them will calculate the no of connection per hours or day. If you use certain amount of connection then your site will be unavailable for couple of days.
4. FTP restriction: already mentioned above that uploading files via FTP also they will block for a certain period of time.
5. Server downtime problem:
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