WebPage Security

A web page is requested by the client’s browser through an HTTP request. HTTP cookies included in a request may authenticate the client to the browser. Server-side scripts process request parameters to construct instructions to backend servers. The response is transmitted from web server to client and rendered
by the client’s browser. The server may set cookies in a response header.

Dynamic web pages contain scripts accepting user input. Scripts may request further server connections. Several attack vectors target this interplay between client and servers.

– An attacker may retrieve cookies from the client, be it to profile the user or to use the cookies to impersonate the client.
– A malicious script in a web page may perform inappropriate operations on the client.
– A malicious script may use the client as a stepping stone to attack a third party.
– A malicious user may send malformed inputs in an HTTP request to perform inappropriate actions with the help of vulnerable server-side scripts (code injection).