Integrating Types and Specifications for Secure Software Development

Integrating Types and Specifications for Secure Software Development
Greg Morrisett
Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachussetts, 02138, USA
Abstract. Today, the majority of security errors in software systems
are due to implementation errors, as opposed to flaws in fundamental
algorithms (e.g., cryptography). Type-safe languages, such as Java, help
rule out a class of these errors, such as code-injection through buffer overruns.
But attackers simply shift to implementation flaws above the level
of the primitive operations of the language (e.g., SQL-injection attacks).
Thus, next-generation languages need type systems that can express and
enforce application-specific security policies.
Keywords: dependent types, verification, software-security.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in
practice, there is.
Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut